Game by Kelvin [UP2060604], I am a part of team "Graphics Tablet" but everything here was made by me.

Please run the game with 'hardware acceleration' enabled in the browse or the performance will be quite poor and make sure to go into full screen mode. 

Using the Space key is how you interact with the game. The aim of the game is to get the highest score by getting collisions with the rocks, normal and gold ones, sound effects play as you collide.

The higher your score, the more it snow balls, best of luck, go get a high score.

Programs used: 

Blender (3D modelling):

Krita (Thumbnail and Texturing):

 Unity (Game Engine):

Notepad++ (IDE):

 LMMS  (sound_effects and music creation):

I did not follow a specific tutorial instead I used them as referance and made my own thing.

Links and sources used: used for various articles on unity's own functions and methods used in my games scripts, along with working with components such as audio, collision boxes, game objects ect..


Formed the basis for my characters movement ; Here I learnt about Unity's Vector3s along with how input handling works.

Here I learnt how instantiate worked and used it in conjunction with a random number generator for spawning in my objects using a prefab.

This article was great for collisions with the comments on this leading me to find "Destroy( this.GameObject ) which was used for culling the spawned prefab objects so they would not linger when they reach an "out of bounds" area

This was used for finding out about creating text objects with this page being perfect for learning how to make simple UI Text:

I hope you enjoy.

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